Upstream - Valve Selection
Panel Discussion
Session Chair: Greg Peterson, MRC Global
Valve selection follows a similar strategy in any segment. One will always need to understand process conditions and the role the valve will be playing in the installation. Having said that, a professional used to specify valves for upstream is not automatically qualified to do the same in mid or downstream. This is because each segment has particularities and challenges that only experienced professionals can fully grasp. In these three panels, experienced professionals from each segment will share their experiences and help newcomers understand the many layers of knowledge required to do proper valve selection, such as standards, materials, supplementary requirements, and fugitive emissions.
- Gilbert Alonzo, Consultant
- Carlo De Bernardi, ConocoPhillips
- Yhonny Flores, Warren Valve
- Brian Furqueron, Valveworks USA
Midstream - Valve Selection/API 6D Update
Panel Discussion
Session Chair: Ed Edgar, Cameron, a Schlumberger company
API 6D is currently undergoing a major revision from current 24th Edition to the 25th Edition, which is expected to publish late 2021. The next phase of comment resolution meetings is set for early August, after which the 25th Ed. will be done with revision, and ready to turn over to API for publication. This session will include a presentation of the changes, and a panel of API 6D Task Group Members will discuss/explain the differences, why changes were made, what to do to conform to the new/different requirements, etc.
- Ivan Pinto, API
- Jeremy Harrison, MRC Global
- Rick Faircloth, Faircloth Consulting Services LLC/Chairman API 6D
- Simone Brevi, OMB Valves
- Ian Hardy, Bray International
- Wojciech Zmudzinski, BP
Downstream - Valve Selection
Panel Discussion
Session Chair: Luke Chou, Sunbelt Supply
Valve selection follows a similar strategy in any segment. One will always need to understand process conditions and the role the valve will be playing in the installation. Having said that, a professional used to specify valves for upstream is not automatically qualified to do the same in mid or downstream. This is because each segment has particularities and challenges that only experienced professionals can fully grasp. In these three panels, experienced professionals from each segment will share their experiences and help newcomers understand the many layers of knowledge required to do proper valve selection, such as standards, materials, supplementary requirements, and fugitive emissions.
- Claire Dwyer, Fluor
- Max Casada, Consultant (Former Global Quality Manager, Phillips 66)
- Wallace G. Hancock Jr., Quadax Valves
- Barry Hoeffner, Ladish Valves
- Richard Dayries, Sunbelt Supply
- Kerry Millen, Air Products
- Thomas Wimbrow, Dow Chemical
Fugitive Emissions - ESG
Panel Discussion
Session Chairs: Bronson Pate, TRICORD Consulting &Tim Goedeker, Phillips66
Investors worldwide are becoming more and more concerned about the sustainability and environmental footprint of the companies they put their money on. A common acronym related to this is Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), a set of standards covering different areas that gauge how attractive a company might be for socially conscious investors. Join this panel to learn more about ESG and how this can lead to more funding for your business.
- Methane Leakage reduction /VOCs
- Current Consent decrees
- Flaring by 2030
- Leaks along the pipeline
- Best Practices
- European perspective
- Trace Scrivner, ExxonMobil
- Charlie Metrailer, MRC Global
- Bronson Pate, TRICORD Consulting
- Tim Goedeker, Phillips66
Spanish - Fit For Purpose
A Spanish Language Session will be available throughout both days of the event, for the Spanish speaking community.
11:00AM-12:00PM - Selección y Confiabilidad de Válvulas de Control
Presentador: Alex Koifman, F.I.R.S.T GmbH
Examinaremos un programa especializado en la selección de válvulas de control apta para el propósito para una aplicación en específico y la introducción de un sistema numérico para categorizar la confiabilidad de dicha válvula y su aplicación.
12:00PM-1:00PM - Fit for Purpose – Diseñamos una Válvula Para una Aplicación Específica
Presentador: Chance Russo, Sesto Valves
Conoceremos el proceso para diseñar una válvula para una aplicación en específica. Se verán todos los pasos con un estudio de un caso real.
IOGP Overview
Presenter: Brad Michelle, Chevron
The IOGP (International Association of Oil and Gas Producers) has among its members some of the major oil companies in the world. All of these companies had internal requirements to be used in conjunction with design standards when purchasing industrial valves. All of these different requirements were harmonized in a set of publications to be adopted by all members. The IOGP initiated Joint Industry Programme 33 (JIP33) in 2016 – with support from the World Economic Forum capital project complexity initiative – in response to industry-wide overruns on cost and schedule of more than 40%. Over 40 specifications have been published to date. These are now being adopted and implemented by the operators on major projects where benefits are already being demonstrated.
Actuation & Automation
Session Chair: Dave Anderson, Score Group
Actuated valve assemblies are either part of a control or safety system. Hence, failure to act upsets the process – as a minimum – or jeopardizes the plant (in the worst case). This problem is compounded when the valve is installed in a remote location, without means of fast intervention in case of trouble. The reliability of a valve assembly is the sum of many parts, from the adequate specification and sizing to the instrumentation used for monitoring and prediction of life. In this session experts from different areas will discuss guidelines and lessons learned in how to best achieve success when dealing with these valves.
- Remote locations
- electro, pneumatic, hydraulic
Format: Presentations
- Changing Technology from Using Process Gas in Actuation to Electrics - Dean Lawrence, Neles
- How Digitalization, Technology and Collaboration Will Jointly Help Deliver the Top 3 Most Important Outcomes for the Oil & Gas Industry in the 20’s and Beyond - Dave Anderson, Score Group
- Remote High Pressure Pipeline Actuation and Emissions - David Garner, MRC Global
Pipeline Valves & Large Components
Session Chair: Gilbert Alonzo, Consultant
Pipelines often employ valve sizes above what many industries consider large. When dealing with these over-sized valves, many of the common solutions employed for designing, fabrication, transportation, installation, and operation might be significantly different from their “regular” sized counterparts. In this presentation, some of the challenges regularly encountered in large pipeline valves will be discussed.
- Mainline Valves
- Service Work
- Mainline Transmission
Format: Presentations
- H2 Piping & ASME B31.12 - Fred Schweighardt, Airgas
- API 6D Valves - Yhonny Flores, Warren Valve
Fugitive Emissions - Monitoring and Testing
Session Chair: Greg Johnson, United Valve
Keeping track of fugitive emissions in a plant with thousands of components to be monitored is a daunting task. The team leading the effort has to coordinate tasks within several departments and also keep a constant tab on upcoming legislation. Join this presentation to learn the latest technologies in monitoring and testing of valves to achieve success in your program.
Format: Presentations
- API Fugitive Emissions Update - Greg Johnson, United Valve
- Don’t Over Simplify Assessing Applicable Fugitive Requirements for Texas - Laura Blohm & Rubinaz Abbas - TRICORD
Spanish Language
A Spanish Language Session will be available throughout both days of the event, for the Spanish speaking community.
11:00AM – 1:00PM - ISO 5115: Un Estándar Nuevo Para la Automatización de Válvulas de Un Cuarto de Vuelta
Presentador: Alex Koifman – First GmbH
Presentamos un nuevo estándar que definirá las consideraciones de diseño para la automatización de válvulas de un cuarto de vuelta. La norma examina las tareas y responsabilidades requeridas para asegurar la correcta selección del actuador y su ensamble.
IOGP Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion
Session Chair: Davi Correia, Consultant
The IOGP (International Association of Oil and Gas Producers) has among its members some of the major oil companies in the world. All of these companies had internal requirements to be used in conjunction with design standards when purchasing industrial valves. All of these different requirements were harmonized in a set of publications to be adopted by all members. In this presentation, two of these new documents will be explored:
SPECIFICATION S-562, Supplementary Requirements to API Spec 6D – Ball Valves
SPECIFICATION S-611, Supplementary Requirements to API 600 Steel Gate Valves and to API 603 CRA Gate Valves
- Actuators
- US vs. Euro
- Project Mgmt
- Valve Specification
- Standardization
• Trace Scrivner, ExxonMobil
• Wojciech Zmudzinski, BP
• Carlo De Bernardi, ConocoPhillips
• Brad Michelle, Chevron
• Greg Peterson, MRC Global
• Luke Chou, Sunbelt
Maintenance & Turnarounds
Panel Discussion/Presentations
Session Chair: Matt Hartfiel, MRC Global
A typical industrial plant has thousands of valves; each one of them prone to disrupt production in case of failure. Maintenance is employed to alleviate the probability of failure, but due to sheer the number of valves and the ever-present limitation of resources, compromises must be made. That means that different businesses use a mix of maintenance strategies to best suit their needs. Turnarounds are complex maintenance events. During some critical weeks, a plant is shutdown and thousands of workers and materials have to be coordinated into a myriad of tasks. In this panel, we will learn how valves play a significant role in these events and how tasks involving them are commonly addressed. Some of the maintenance strategies will be discussed and participants will be able to relate and adapt the experiences to their particular situation.
- Andrew Ward, ME Global
- Cliff Smith, Neles
- Phil Fahey, MRC Global
- Kerry Millen, Air Products
Control Valves
Session Chair: Alex Koifman - F.I.R.S.T. GmbH
Control valves are the most challenging valves to be selected, sized, and operated. Flawless operation is only achieved when professionals from different disciplines - process, mechanical, and instrumentation, as a minimum – join forces in an interdisciplinary effort to tackle the many compromises required. In this panel, attendees will be able to learn more about the decision making process involved in a successful specification.
Format: Presentations
- Background to the ISO-5115 Through the WIB Recommended Practice Development - Henk Hinssen, iHandl Engineering
- Demonstrating the Practical Implementation of the RP and ISO-5115 - Andreas Vogt, F.I.R.S.T. GmbH
- Managing Noise in Control Valve Applications – Fred Porth, Neles
- ISO - 5115 Implementation - Michael Bouckaert, Neles
- New 2848 Compression Packing Technology – Chris Day, Teadit
Strategies to Minimize Fugitive Emissions
Session Chair: Bronson Pate, TRICORD Consulting
Complying with fugitive emissions regulations requires a tremendous amount of effort. For such end, different companies employ different approaches. For example, some might invest more on technology, some might rely in maintenance procedures. In this presentation, examples of real strategies will be shared, covering how controlling fugitive emissions might use extraordinary solutions.
Format: Presentations/Demonstrations
- Valve Live Loading with Belleville Springs to Reduce Fugitive Emissions (demo) - George Davet, Solon Manufacturing
- Emissions Elimination – Why “Reduce” Emissions When You Can “Eliminate” Them? – Dave Anderson, Score Group
Spanish Language
A Spanish Language Session will be available throughout both days of the event, for the Spanish speaking community.
2:00PM-3:00PM - Sistemas Automatizadas de Control de Balastro
Presentador: Darryl Rosenfeld,ValvAct
Se presentará la función de las válvulas aptas para el propósito automatizadas quienes perfilan en un rol crítico en los sistemas de control de balastro en naves marinas y las unidades flotantes de producción y sistemas de descarga (FPSO).
Upstream - Emerging Technologies
Session Chair: David Cummings, Bodycote
This session will feature a selection of presentations focusing on Upstream valve innovations and new technology for the flow control industry.
Format: Presentations
- The Effects of Low Temperature Carbon Diffusion on Stainless Steel - David Cummings, Bodycote
- When SIL (Safety Integrity Level) Suitability Is Required For Final Control Element (FCE)??- Riyaz Ali, Emerson
- Innovative Solutions for Flow Control in Severely Abrasive Slurry Applications - Max Baker & Shahrum Iqbal, Bray International
- AOGV (Add-On Gate Valve Positive Isolation Technology - Rune Sele & Scott Lewis, IK-Norway
Midstream - Emerging Technologies
Session Chair: Brindesh Dhruva, Bray International
This session will feature a selection of presentations focusing on Midstream valve innovations and new technology for the flow control industry.
Format: Presentations
- Digitization in the Valve Industry - Ross Mahler & Brindesh Dhruva, Bray International
- Phased Array Sectorial Scanning Valve Technology – Jesse R. Delgado, Industrial Inspection and Analysis
- The Benefits of Integrating Volume Booster Systems into Smart IOT Enabled Positioners - Bradford Haines, Flowserve
- Mid-Stream Natural Gas Transmission – Kyle Rayhill, Neles
- Challenges on Duplex Casting (Gr 5A) in Heavy wall Thickness - Ochuko Ifie, Flowserve
Downstream - Emerging Technologies
Session Chair: Todd Harrison, Neles
This session will feature a selection of presentations focusing on Downstream valve innovations and new technology for the flow control industry.
Format: Presentations
- Soot Blower Test Rig and Evaluation Protocol - TEADIT
- Metal Additive Manufacturing in the Valve Industry - Michael Kitchens, Bray
- Isolation Valve Design For Turbine Stop Valve Service - Matt Laney, Flowserve
- Remote Mechanical Valve Actuator (rmva) & Adap-T-Drive Systems - Allison McVeigh/Jessica Fretz, Triumph Mechanical Solutions
- Valve Automation – Simplified & Standardized - Ravi Shankar, Sanyata
Fugitive Emissions - Emerging Technologies
Session Chair: Foster Voelker II, Williams Valve
This session will feature a selection of presentations focusing on innovations and new technology for combating fugitive emissions in valves.
Format: Presentations
• Top Entry Butterfly Valve with Low Fugitive Emissions & Improved Cryogenic Sealing Technology in Severe Thermal Cycle & Endurance Test – Scott Moreland, Quadax
• New 2848 Compression Packing Technology – Chris Day, Teadit
• Magnetic Actuation of Valves for Severe Service Applications – Ned Davis, Maui Innovation
• Reducing Fugitive Emissions – Dilating Disk Control Valves – Kyle Daniels, Clarke Valve
• Technological Advancements in Fugitive Emissions Valve Packing - Rob Garlock, EGC Enterprises
• Characteristics of Gland Packing Under Low Temperature Conditions – Takashi Nishi, Nippon Pillar